Fantastical Sharks & Rays Exhibition at the Australian Museum.
Australia is home to 25% of the world’s sharks & rays. Some are so rare & live so deep beneath the ocean that we have no images or research about them. So we are inviting Australian children bring these endangered species to life with the power of their imagination - they can use anything material they want…except AI.
The top artworks are being brought to life by 10 of Australia’s most iconic artists including Ken Done, Jenny Turpin, Janet Laurence, Reko Rennie, Jonathan Zawada, Rosie Deacon, Dion Horstmans and Blak Douglas in the Australian Museum.
10 of Australia’s most iconic artists.
The campaign has attracted some of our countries most esteemed artists including Ken Done, Jenny Turpin, Janet Laurence, Reko Rennie, Jonathan Zawada, Rosie Deacon, Dion Horstmans and Blak Douglas. Once entries closed, we will host an immersion day where artists’ select one artwork to use as inspiration for their own piece. Both will hang side by side in the Australian Museum this August for 5 months until January 2025.